
Asbestos Program

The asbestos compliance program processes asbestos notifications for abatement projects and conducts onsite inspections of these projects to confirm the workers on site are licensed and the job is being conducted properly. This office also Investigates complaints to ensure that individuals are following the state asbestos rule and law. Also, this office provides outreach, education and technical assistance on asbestos issues. The asbestos compliance program works with Region 3 EPA and conducts Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) inspections in schools K-12.



Asbestos Compliance Program:
Program Chief: Herb Hilleary
Phone: (304) 352-5011
Fax: (304) 558-0524

To check the status of a notification or to submit a revision:
Regulatory Licensing Specialist 2: Regina Hubbard
Phone: (304) 352-5020
Fax: (304) 558-0524


Notification of Abatement, Demolition, or Renovation

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Division of Air Quality Electronic Submittal System (ESS).

NOTE: Asbestos notification fees increased on April 28th 2024 (See Attached Memorandum)

Asbestos notifications are no longer required to be sent to EPA Region 3 (See Attached Memorandum)`


West Virginia Related Information


EPA Asbestos Related

Request EPA Publications (publication numbers listed below)

Call the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 1-800-490-9198
Fax: 513-489-8695
International: 1-513-489-8190
Local & Government Employees: 513-489-8190 and give them the publication number listed below the topic of interest.

Publication EPA publication number
Schools EPA745K93017
Home EPA910K92001
Buildings EPA745K93013
Workers EPA747B93001
Sampling EPA745K94058
Water EPA440580022
Air EPA540290005A
Waste EPA530SW85007
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants EPA340190018
Employees EPA907K92002
Miscellaneous EPA745F93007