WV Drinking Water Viewer
Drinking Water Viewer provides public access to public water system information from the state’s
drinking water database, including sample results, inventory, sampling points, schedules, violations,
enforcement actions, etc. In the Search Hub, search for information on a specific water system or search
for information across water systems, like state-wide sample data.
Click here for a direct link to the Drinking Water Viewer
How to Generate a Monitoring Schedule
1. Search for Water System
Enter Water System PWSID in the Water System ID Box and click Search
2. Click on Water System Name

3. Go to Menu in the Upper Left Corner of the Page

3. Select "Monitoring Schedules"

4. Two Options to View Schedules:
- Clicking "Current Monitoring Schedules" generates a list of monitoring requirements
- Clicking "Yearly Snapshot" generates a graphic display of the yearly monitoring requirements

Current Monitoring Schedules

Yearly Snapshot
4. Click "Export to Excel" to Download a Copy of the Current Monitoring Schedule or Click "Export to PDF" to Download a Copy of the Yearly Snapshot