West Virginia Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Fund (DWTRF)
West Virginia State Code 16-13C establishes the Department of Health & Human Resources, Bureau for Public Health (BPH) the authority for administering the DWTRF that will provide financial assistance to public water systems to finance the cost of eligible infrastructure improvements needed to comply with the requirements of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and to protect public health. The fund established procedures and standards for project eligibility in accordance with the requirements of Federal and State law including the guidance from the EPA. The fund is intended to continue in perpetuity from loan repayments and administrative fees.
Typical DWTRF projects include water treatment plant upgrades, distribution and storage upgrades, and extensions of existing systems. Projects solely for economic growth, recreational and commercial facilities or projects solely for fire protection are not eligible for DWTRF assistance.
Water systems interested in obtaining DWTRF funds for a capital project must first send a complete preliminary application (link provided below) to Christopher Thomas. An application will also need to be submitted to the Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council requesting a DWTRF loan and then be approved to pursue the proposed funding. The water system would then apply to DWTRF to be included in the next Project Priority List (PPL) as shown in the Intended Use Plan (IUP). The application submittal places the project on the PPL but does not commit the water system or the BPH to a DWTRF loan. The PPL will be prioritized according to health, compliance, and affordability standards established in the IUP. Then, depending on the project's readiness to proceed, a binding letter of commitment would be issued. It is expected the project will close the construction loan within a year of receiving a DWTRF binding commitment.
The DWTRF loan manual contains a further description of the application and loan process plus the forms and procedures from start to finish with a DWTRF funded project. The Microsoft Word and Excel forms and templates are available for download upon request to any of the staff.
Below are links to documents available for public viewing.
Green Project Reserve Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Fund Project Lists
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Annual Reports