Wellhead and Source Water Protection Grants
Grant Program Summary
The Wellhead Protection and Source Water Protection Grant Programs are designed to provide funding for the development and implementation of local wellhead and source water protection programs; as well as, the enhancement of physical security.
Local Source Water Protection Grant Offering
To Qualifying West Virginia Surface Water and Surface Water Influenced Groundwater Community Public Water Systems,
The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WVDHHR), Bureau for Public Health (BPH), Office of Environmental Health Services (OEHS) is pleased to announce the Local Source Water Protection (SWP) Grant Program for Surface and Surface Water Influence Groundwater Community Water Systems.
West Virginia State Code §16-13C-2(b) allows the drinking water treatment revolving fund to direct the financial management of funds to Public Water Systems that have been required to complete a Source Water Protection Plan. Further, West Virginia State Code §16-1-9d and West Virginia Legislative Rule §64-3-15 provide for continuation of the Wellhead and Source Water Grant Fund for Public Water Systems.
The PWS that qualify for the SWP Grant Program will be sent a grant opportunity notice when a new offering is available. Please contact Brian A. Carr, P.G. if you need further assistance at (304) 352-4996.
wvOASIS Vendor Self Service Instructions
Notice of 2025-2026 Source Water Protection Grant
2025-26 Grant Application Deadline Extended to March 31, 2025
Project Types
Grant program funds can be used for the initiation, continuation, or expansion of local wellhead or source water protection programs. Systems can propose two types of projects, Wellhead (ground-water) or Source Water (surface-water) Water Protection Program Projects or Security Projects.
1) Wellhead/Source Water Protection Program Projects may include, but are not limited to:
- Refining source protection area delineations using additional site specific information;
- Expanding the inventory of existing and potential sources of contamination;
- Promoting community awareness and involvement; and/or
- Developing Emergency Response Plans and Procedures.
2) Security Projects involve establishing physical measures to protect water sources.
- Non-Allowable Costs
- These costs are not allowed under any circumstances:
- Any pre-award expenses incurred by awarded Grantee or representative.
- Construction, including that of water facilities (ex. treatment plant, storage tank, water line, water wells).
- Security measures for water treatment or distribution facilities, including buildings, storage tanks, lines.
- Land acquisition. v Development or compliance testing associated with new drinking water sources.
- Any activities related to permitting/regulatory requirements for community water system wells (ex. sampling, monitoring, etc.).
- Entertainment.
- Interest payments.
- Food (except that associated with approved travel).
- Meeting and conference registration fees.
- Indirect costs. Costs normally associated with an indirect cost rate, such as administration and rent, must be shown as direct cost that are related and necessary to the complete the project.
- Costs associated with lobbying.
- These costs are not allowed under any circumstances:
Available Funding
Funds will be available for distribution through a number of individual grants. Limits for individual grant amounts will be determined at a later date. Grants are for a project period of one (1) year, but if approved, may be extended to complete project activities at no additional cost. Individual award will vary depending on proposed project activities.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants are community water systems or County Governments demonstrating a direct association with community water systems. A community water system is a public water system which serves at least fifteen (15) service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least twenty-five (25) year-round residents. Systems primarily utilizing groundwater as a public drinking water source should apply for Wellhead Protection Grants; those primarily utilizing surface water should apply for Source Water Protection Grants.
- Projects must address active or planned public water system sources.
- Security projects must propose activities directly related to the raw water source or pumping facility for the raw water.
- Project work must be completed within the grant period.
- This grant program is a reimbursement program. Reimbursement will only be made for activities accomplished within the approved grant period.