Child Care Centers

Child Care Centers

A Child Care Center is defined as:

Any child care facility providing nonresidential child care for seven (7) or more children for all or part of a day. The term "child care center" includes:

  • Day Care Centers
  • Family Day Care Facilities
  • Nursery Schools
  • Preschools

A child care center does not include: a kindergarten, preschool or school education program operated by a public school accredited by the state department of education; an individual or facility which offers occasional, temporary care of children for brief periods while parents are shopping, engaging in recreational activities, attending religious services or engaging in other business or personal affairs; summer recreation camps operated for children attending sessions for periods not exceeding thirty (30) days; hospitals or other medical facilities which are primarily used for temporary residential care of children for treatment, convalescence, or testing; or persons providing family day care solely for children related to them, including grandparents, aunts and uncles.


A Day Care Center is defined as:

A child care center which provides nonresidential child care for thirteen (13) or more children on nonresidential basis.



64 CSR 21 Child Care Centers rule was updated and passed during the 1997 legislative session. The rule became effective June 23, 1997.

To obtain a copy of the rule  please go to the WV Secretary of State Site and click the most recent version.



Child Care Centers are issued a permit to operate and are inspected Local Health Departments. If you have any questions about permitting or Rule requirements please contact your Local Health Department.


Child Care Center Forms