Environmental Health Procedures Manual

Public Health Sanitation

Environmental Health Procedures Manual

This manual outlines policies and procedures that have been adopted by the West Virginia Department of Health for the implementation and enforcement of environmental health regulations.


Administration Laboratory
Disease Control Radiological Health
Drinking Water Recreation
Emergency / Disaster Solid Waste
Food Training / Education
Housing / Institution Vector Control
Industrial Hygiene Waste Water


Procedure Number Subject Date
A-1 Organizational Chart - Department of Health and Human Resources Current
A-2 Organizational Chart - Office of Environmental Health Services  

EED Regional Map

PHS Regional Map



A-4 Function Summary - Local, District, & State 02/02/11
A-5 Communications - State/Local Environmental Health Liaison Group  



Environmental Health Staff Directory

A-6 Local Health Department - Environmental Health

A-6 Office of Environmental Health Services - Program Staff 

A-6 Office of Environmental Health Services - District Office Staff





A-7 Vacant  
A-8 DHSEM and Local County Emergency Contact Information  
A-9 Issuance of Environmental Health Procedures Manual Memos 11/02/07
A-10 Information Bulletin 12/16/85
A-11 REPEALED: Appropriation Request Objectives & Performance Measures  
A-12 REPEALED:  Communications  
A-13 REPEALED: Program Budgeting  
A-14 Code Numbers 05/31/00
A-15 Permit Coding System 04/15/21
A-16 Environmental Health Activity Report - in revision  
A-17 Frequency of Inspections or Sampling 12/07/15
A-18 Guidelines for Conducting Inspections and Investigations 03/01/96
A-19 Social Security Numbers Required for Licenses 06/07/06
A-20 Freedom of Information Act and Nuisance Complaint Investigation 02/08/85
A-20 Attachment Memorandum from Attorney General RE: FOIA and Nuisance Complaint Investigation  
A-21 REPEALED:  Enactment of Senate Bill 379 / Fees for Services  
A-22 Guidelines for Posting and Filing of Sanitation Records 09/03/21
A-23 REPEALED: Enactment of Senate Bill 379 / Fees for Services  
A-24 Release of Complainants Name 11/12/87
A-25 Index to Environmental Sanitation Forms  04/15/97
A-25 Attachment SG-74 Index to Environmental Health Forms  
A-26 Anonymous Nuisance Complaints 02/27/96
A-27 Local Health Department Request for Assistance 06/2016
A-27 Attachment OJT Field Training Requirements  
A-28 State Supreme Court of Appeals Opinion RE: Local Health Department filing Complaint with Magistrate Court 1/23/2023 (1993)
A-28 Attachment 1993 State Supreme Court Legal Opinion RE LHD Sanitarian filing Complaint with Magistrate Court  


Disease Control

Procedure Number Subject Date
DC-1 Environmental Epidemiology 01/05/83
DC-1 Attachment

Memorandum from L. Clark Hansbarger, M.D., Director of Health re: Environmental Epidemiology Task Force

DC-1 Attachment Protocol for the Investigation of Possible Environmental Health Problems
Environmental Epidemiology Task Force
DC-2 Criteria for Acceptance of Automatic Vaporizing Devices Dispensing Insecticides
DC-3 Use of DDVP - Vapona Insecticide Resin Strips 07/10/86
DC-4 Rabies Control Guide 01/24/12
DC-5 Investigation of Public Health Related Complaints 02/05/87
DC-6 Tattoo Studios 01/29/03
DC-6 Attachment § 16-38 Tattoo Studio Business  
DC-7 Protocol for Handling of Wild Animals Suspected of Being Rabid 06/2010
DC-8 Body Piercing Studio Business Rule 06/28/05
DC-8 Attachment 64-80A Public Notice  
DC-9 Use of Pre-Sterilized Needles, Tubes, and Instruments in Tattoo Studios 06/22/06
DC-10 Autoclave Requirements in Body Piercing Studios 06/22/06
DC-11 Risk Factors Associated with Tattoos 04/05/10
DC-12 Microdermal Piercing 11/30/11
DC-12 Attachment WV Board of Medicine Opinion on Microderaml Piercing  
DC-13 Temporary-Mobile Tattoo Studios 12/1/11
DC-14 Infectious Medical Waste Manifest Retention and Location 6/12/17


Drinking Water

Procedure Number Subject Date
DW-1 Individual Water Supplies 2/25/1976
DW-2 REPEALED: Use of Sanuril 115 Tablets for Drinking Water Disinfection 10/5/2007
  See DW-42, Drinking Water Additives and System Components  
DW-3 REPEALED: Completing the Revised Water Bacteriology Sample Report Form 1/9/2008
  Instructions provided on reverse of EM-1, Water Bacteriological Report form  
DW-4 REPEALED: Approval of Public Water Supplies for Federally Assisted Programs 10/5/2007
  See 64 CSR 3, Public Water System Rules, and  
         64 CSR 77, Design Standards for Public Water Systems  
DW-5 REPEALED: Approval of New Public Water Supply Treatment Units 10/5/2007
  See 64 CSR 3, Public Water System Rules, and  
         64 CSR 77, Design Standards for Public Water Systems  
DW-6 Hand Pumps for Water Wells 5/15/2012
DW-7 REPEALED: Required Backflow Prevention Devices 10/5/2007
  See 64 CSR 15, Cross-Connection and Backflow Prevention  
DW-8 REPEALED: Drinking Water Management Information System: Baseline Report 10/5/2007
  New software used, SDWIS  
DW-9 Water Well and Sewage System Applications and Permits 11/1/1999
DW-10 REPEALED: Chemical Analysis of Water 1/15/2008
  See Office of Laboratory Services web site  
DW-11 REPEALED: Bacteriological & Fluoride Sampling Policies 1/15/2008
  See 64 CSR 3, Public Water System Rules, and the Safe Drinking Water Act  
DW-12 Individual/Household Private & Other Category Water Supplies 3/3/1981
DW-13 Inspection of Non-Community Public Water Supplies 4/22/2009
DW-14 REPEALED: Approved Backflow Prevention Devices 10/5/2007
  See 64 CSR 15, Cross-Connection and Backflow Prevention  
DW-15 REPEALED: Boiling Water 1/15/2008
  See SG-81, How to Disinfect Small Quantities of Water  
DW-16 REPEALED: Approved Paints for Potable Water Contact Surfaces 10/5/2007
  See DW-42, Drinking Water Additives and System Components  
DW-17 Sodium-Ion in Public Water Supplies 2/15/1996
DW-18 Guidance for Public Facilities Affected by Boil Water Notices 1/9/2012
DW-19 Approval of Individual Homeowner Wells in Developments With Approved Public Water Supply Systems 10/5/2011
DW-19 Attachment Thermal Expansion and Hot Water Heaters  
DW-19 Attachment Thermal Expansion and Water Hammer  
DW-20 Permits to Construct Water Line Extension 1/23/2007
DW-21 Use of Lead Pipe and Lead Solder in Public Water Supplies 12/15/1986
DW-22 Reports of Violations: Water Well Regulations and Design Standards 12/10/2008
DW-23 Boil Water Notices for Public Water Systems 9/1/2021
DW-23 Attachments DW-23 Attachments  
DW-24 REPEALED: Approved Plastic Well Casings 12/15/2008
  See 64 CSR 46, Water Well Design Standards  
DW-25 REPEALED: Supervision of Water Well Drilling By Certified Water Well Drillers 4/7/1999
  See 64 CSR 19, Water Well Regulations  
DW-26 REPEALED: Prohibition of Lead Packers 12/15/2008
  See 64 CSR 46, Water Well Design Standards  
DW-27 Requirements for Potable Water Haulers 11/17/2010
DW-28 Issuance of Water Well Permits for Homeowner Water Wells 6/8/1989
DW-29 REPEALED: Certified Operators for Class II Water Systems 12/1/2009
  See 64 CSR 4 Public Water Systems Operators Regulations  
DW-30 Water Well Drillers Certification Testing 12/10/2008
DW-31 Guidance for Water Treatment Plant Operators Resignations 11/14/2001
DW-32 Water Well Permit Grievance/Mediation Process 9/8/1997
DW-33 Bottled Water and Vending Water in Retail Food Stores 1/24/2003
DW-34 Guidelines for Bottled Water Plants in Retail Food Stores 1/24/2003
DW-35 REPEALED: Errata Sheet - 64 CSR 15 Cross Connections and Backflow Prevention Rules 10/5/2007
  See 64 CSR 15, Cross-Connection and Backflow Prevention  
DW-36 Operator Exception Requests for Automated Public Water Systems 4/16/2012
DW-37 Public Notices for Public Water Systems 9/10/2009
DW-38 Individual Home Water Supply Chlorination Systems 11/2/1993
DW-38 Attachment DW-38 Attachment  
DW-39 Horizontal Distance Between a Private Water Well and a Barnyard/Feeding and Watering Area 1/20/2009
DW-40 Use of Suspension as an Option for Revocation of Public Water Supply Operator Certification 5/29/2001
DW-41 Tablet Chlorinators for Public Water Supply Systems 2/16/1996
DW-42 Drinking Water Additives and System Components 2/28/1996
DW-43 Upgrading Public Water Supply Wells 11/29/1999
DW-44 REPEALED: "Grandfathering" Pre June 8, 1984 Experience for Certification of Well Drillers 12/15/2008
  See 64 CSR 19, Water Well Regulations  
DW-45 Responsibility for Construction and Abandonment of Water Wells 1/20/2009
DW-46 Guidelines for Disinfecting Water Supplies 2/22/2012
DW-47 Sanitary Survey Procedures 4/7/2021
DW-48 Population Procedure 10/3/2011
DW-48 Attachment West Virginia: Population and Housing Occupancy Status: 2010  
DW-49 Membrane Turbidity Standards 11/12/2010
DW-50 Fluoride Reduction Procedures 4/11/2012
DW-50 Attachment US EPA Lead and Copper Rule Short Term Revisions      
DW-51 Cathodic Protection Wells 11/2/2012
DW-52 Electronic Delivery of Consumer Confidence Report 2/15/2013
DW-53 Revised Total Coliform Rule:  Seasonal Systems 2/10/2016
DW-53 Attachment Seasonal PWS Operation and Maintenance Guide for RTCR  
DW-54 Revised Total Coliform Rule:  Non-Community groundwater, year-round <1,000 population 7/15/2015

Emergency / Disaster

Procedure Number Subject Date
E-1 Disaster Sanitation 9/7/1999
E-1-A Disaster Guidelines for Sanitarians  9/7/1999
E-1 Attachment SG-80 Guidelines for Disinfecting Private Water Supplies  
E-1 Attachment SG-81 Guidelines for Disinfecting Small Quantities of Water  
E-1 Attachment SG-82 Residential Food Safety Guidelines   
E-1 Attachment SG-83 Commercial Food Safety Guidelines  
E-1 Attachment SG-84 Home Clean-up Guidelines  
E-1-B Flood Information Packet  
E-1 B Attachment  SG-81PR Press Release: Health Officials Say Water Supplies Affected By Floods Need Disinfecting   
E-1 B Attachment SG-82PR Press Release: Food Protection After Flooding  
E-1 B Attachment SG-84PR1 Press Release: Health Officials Offer Advice For Safe Food Clean-Up  
E-1 B Attachment SG-84PR2 Press Release: Flood and Prevention of Tetanus  
E-1 B Attachment SG-84F1 Flyer: Health Care Precautions Important During Flood  
E-1 B Attachment SG-84F2 Flyer: Flood Waters & Tetanus- What You Need to Know  
E-1-C Emergency Response RE: Septic Systems - under revision  
E-1-D Virtual Inspection Procedure 11/2/2020
Attachment E-1-D-a Virtual Inspections During Disasters for Food Establishments  
Attachment E-1-D-b Virtual Inspections During Disaster for Childcare Centers  
E-2 REPEALED: Accidental Spills  
E-3 SG-83A  Instructions For Fire Damage Assessment for Retail Food Stores, Food Service Establishments, Food Processing Plants, & Food Warehouses 9/7/1999


Food Sanitation

Procedure Number Subject Date
F-1 Standardization Procedures for Local Health Department Food Sanitarians 1/11/2008
F-2 Toilet Room Requirements for Food Service Establishments 10/22/1999
F-4 Low Temperature Home Cookers and Crock Pots 1/11/2008
F-5 Use of Food from Damaged Metal Containers 11/12/1987
F-6 Molded Cheese 12/4/2007
F-8 Salvage Operations in Retail Stores 1/11/2008
F-9 Food Kiosks in Shopping Malls 2/20/1996
F-10 REPEALED: Bake Sales  
F-11 Refrigeration of Soft or Cream Filled Pies in Food Establishments 1/11/2008
F-12 MOU with WV Department of Agriculture 7/15/2011
F-12 Attachment Memorandum of Understanding with WV Department Of Agriculture  
F-13 Fees for Food Service Workers' Training 2/20/1996
F-14 Demonstration and Instruction in Food Establishments 5/20/2009
F-15 Guidance for Mobile/Pushcarts/Temporary Food Establishments 6/5/2024
F-15 Attachment Conference for Food Protection Guide for Mobile Food Establishments  
F-16 REPEALED: Uniform Farmers Market Vendor Permits at Farmers Markets  
F-17 Minimum Training Guidelines for Food Handler Training 5/6/2015
F-18 Registration for Persons, Firms and Corporations conducting draft beer line cleaning and Approval of all compounds used for draft beer line cleaning 9/15/2022
F-18 Attachment SF-46 Registration for Beer Line Cleaning 3/2021
F-19 Addition of CBD and Hemp Products to food or beverage Under review
F-20 Approved Water Source in Retail Food Establishments 5/2022
F-21 Food Training Requirements Overview 5/11/2023


Housing and Institution

Procedure Number Subject Date
H-1 REPEALED:  Public Restrooms - Self-Service Gas Stations  
H-2 REPEALED:  Utilization Of Catalytic & Other Hydrocarbon Fuel Heaters In Public Buildings  
H-3 REPEALED: Minimum Number Of Restrooms & Fixtures Recommended In Public Buildings & Offices  
  NOTE - pending update referencing 2003 International Plumbing Code, as adopted by reference in WV Legislative Rule 87 CSR 4, State Building Code  
H-4 REPEALED:  Child Care Center Regulations - Section 11.2 Diaper Changing  
H-5 Water Well and Sewage Permit Application Review 11/22/1986
H-6 Lavatory/Drinking Fountain Combinations Not Approved 12/17/1975
H-7 Landlord & Tenant Act 10/4/2007
H-8 REPEALED:  Public School Inspections  See 64-18, General Sanitation Rule  
H-9 Construction Permit for Manufactured Home Communities 7/1/2012
H-10 School Closings Due to Water Outages 1/15/2008
H-11 REPEALED:  Submission of Plans for Child Care Centers  
H-12 Guidelines for Evaluating & Approving Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems for Home Loan Applications 2/24/2012
H-13 REPEALED:  Guidelines for Bed & Breakfast Homes  
H-14 REPEALED:  Definition of a Child Care Center  
H-15 REPEALED:  Mobile Home Park Spacing Requirements  See 64 CSR 40 Manufactured Home Community Rule  
H-16 REPEALED:  Errata Sheets - Mobile Home Park Rules 64 CSR 40 and  
H-17 REPEALED:  Errata Sheets - Child Care Center Rule:  64 CSR 21  
H-18 REPEALED:  Tourist and Resort Camp Rule:  64 CSR 24  
H-19 REPEALED:  School Sanitation Rule:  64 CSR 44  
H-20 REPEALED:  Labor and Industrial Camp Rule:  64 CSR 29  
H-21 Syrup Of Ipecac In Child Care Centers 4/5/2007
H-22 Hand Sink Use in Child Care Centers 1/18/2011
H-23 Diaper Changing Procedure In Child Care Centers 7/5/2011
H-24 Hot Holding Temperature in Family Day Care Facilities 11/29/2011
H-25 Guidelines for Permitting and Inspecting Accommodations Made  Through Lodging Reservation Web Sites 2/3/2017
H-25 Attachment Interoffice Memorandum 11/9/2016
H-26 Tentrr or Similar Campsites 6/4/2021
H-26 Letter Tentrr DNR Letter 5/19/2021
H-27 Approved Water Source for General Sanitation Facilities and Manufactured Home Communities 1/31/2023
H-28 Recovery Residences 4/12/2023


Industrial Hygiene

Procedure Number Subject Date
IH-1 Services Provided By The Radiation, Toxics and Indoor Air Division (RTIA) 6/19/2012



Procedure Number Subject Date
L-1 Certification Of Laboratories To Perform Analysis Of Drinking Water Samples  
L-2 Certified Laboratories For Chemical Analysis Of Drinking Water 9/20/2021
L-3 Certified Laboratories For Bacteriological Analysis Of Drinking Water 9/20/2021
L-4 Quality Control & Assurance Of EHS Laboratory 2/23/1984
L-5 Shipping Of Rabies Specimens  
L-6 Approval Of Sample Analysis 3/1/1988
L-7 Bacteriological Laboratory Testing Program 3/21/1989
L-8 Laboratory Analysis For New Bottled Water Plants 10/4/2006


Radiological Health

Procedure Number Subject Date



Procedure Number Subject Date
R-1 Recreational Water Facilities Program 11/20/2006
R-2 Recreational Water Facility Sampling 2/6/2006
R-3 Lifeguards Required To Stay In Elevated Chairs Or Platforms During Their Watch 10/20/1987


Solid Waste

Procedure Number Subject Date
SW-1 Solid Waste Authority 5/1/1992
SW-1 Attachment Solid Waste Authority Office of Attorney General Opinion  

Training and Education

Procedure Number Subject Date

Vector Control

Procedure Number Subject Date


Waste Water

Procedure Number Subject Date
WW-1 Septic Tank Permit Moratorium 12/11/1980
WW-2 REPEALED:  Notification Of Extension Of Septic Tank Installers Certification Expiring  
WW-3 Privy Plans - Department Of Highways 3/18/1981
WW-3 Attachment State Department of Highways Approved Privy Plan  
WW-4 Sewage Holding Tanks 3/28/1989
WW-4 Attachment Holding Tank Approval Criteria  
WW-5 Attorney General's Opinion - Inspection of Small Sewage Treatment Systems 4/15/1983
WW-5 Attachment Attorney General Opinion  
WW-6 Inspection of a Standard Septic Tank System Installation 6/2/2008
WW-7 Approval and Application Procedures for Individual Sewage Systems with Surface Discharge of <600 Gallons Per Day 11/14/2001
WW-7 Attachment Procedure for Processing an Application for a Permit to Install or Modify an Individual Sewer System with Surface Discharge and Design flow of ≤600 GPD  
WW-8 Sewage Program - Division of Responsibility 5/25/2011
WW-9 Garbage Grinders 5/17/1988
WW-10 Guidelines for Approval of Subdivisions Served by Individual On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems 2/11/2014
WW-11 Reuse of Package Sewage Treatment Plants 8/5/1987
WW-12 Permits to Construct Sewer Line Extensions 1/23/2007
WW-13 Grease Traps/Interceptors 3/24/2014
WW-13 Attachment  SS-195 OEHS Grease Interceptor Sizing 4/2015
WW-14 Sewage Tank Cleaning Firms 2/22/2007
WW-15 Design Criteria:  Subsurface Stone Filter for Treatment of Mine Bath House Wastewater 7/20/1998
WW-15 Attachment Plan and Section Detail  
WW-16 Interim Design Criteria for Constructed Wetlands for Sewage Disposal Treatment 5/31/2000
WW-16 Attachment Interim Design Criteria for Constructed Wetlands  
WW-17 REPEALED: Splitting Reserve Area in Subdivisions for On-Site Disposal Systems  
WW-18 Subdivision Requirements 5/1/1992
WW-18 Attachment Attorney General Memorandum dated April 15, 1992  
WW-19 REPEALED: Labor Camp Design Loading for Sewage Treatment Facilities  
WW-20 Installer Certification Requirement for HAU Installation 5/21/2010
WW-21 Requirement for Property Owners Performing Percolation Testing 6/21/2007
WW-22 Septic Tank Cleaning 12/10/2012
WW-23 Interpretation of 64CSR5-4.1.e Wastewater Class II Plant Classification 10/25/2021